
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Made in Brazil - BRUNO SPINELLI

Breaking news, guys. 
I chatted with Bruno online just a few days ago! He thought that I was a girl (I made he think that with some fake pictures...) and I saw him naked (hard on) in the webcam, and yes, he's fuckin hot! 
It was a long chat until he makes me open my webcam telling him that I´m not the rich girl that he thought that I was. 
Yep, he's looking for a rich woman for a serious relation$hip plenty of luxury and ostentation.
He's definitely hot, but he also has the mental age of a 13 years teenage.
Extra pics:
If you guys want to have more details about the chat, let me know.


  1. Ele realmente eh um tesão e, como ja disse aqui, por um "patrocinio" da pra traçar o rapazote.

  2. Something tells me he'd be gay for the right price .

  3. Wingnux:

    Pois é, eu tb pensei isso.
    Mas acredite: teclei c o cara mais de 2h, e enquanto pensava q eu era M ele foi indo numa boa. Depois de descobrir que eu sou H, pulou fora na hora, não importando qto oferecesse p ele...

  4. CVH: I tryed man, but it doesn't work!

  5. Onde voces conseguiram o e-mail dele? me passa!! ahahaha
